Time Table Bus Stand Ambala
Following buses are available from Ambala bus stand on the main routs. Onlline booking is also available for these buses at http://hartrans.gov.in/ors/timings
1. Ambala to Amritsar
Departure Time
06.10 AM
06.50 AM
2. Ambala to Dehradun
Departure Time- 09.14 AM
3. Ambala to Delhi
Departure Time-
04.00 AM
04.15 AM
05.00 Am
05.30 AM
05.35 AM
06.25 AM
06.50 AM
08.00 AM
08.30 AM
4. Ambala to Dharmshala
Departure Time- 07.40 AM
5. Ambala to Haridwar
Departure Time-
05.25 AM
08.40 PM
6. Ambala to Jaipur
Departure Time- 04.50 AM
7. Ambala to Jalandhar
Departure Time-
12.10 PM
12.50 PM
8. Ambala to Jammu-Katra
Departure Time- 05.20 AM
9. Ambala to Kullu
Departure Time- 07.20 AM
10. Ambala to Renuka
Departure Time- 07.15 AM
11. Ambala to Shimla
Departure Time-
04.00 AM
04.35 AM
06.10 AM
08.10 AM
12. Ambala to Una
Departure Time- 11.30 AM
Time Table During Lock Down only-
To download Ambala Bus Stand Time Table during lock down- Click here
For local buses and for latest time table contact the bus stand enquiry. Bus stand Enquiry No.
(Ambala Cantt) 0171-2640821.
Ambala City 0171-2556388
For local buses and for latest time table contact the bus stand enquiry. Bus stand Enquiry No.
(Ambala Cantt) 0171-2640821.
Ambala City 0171-2556388
Updated in April, 2018